Saturday, January 23, 2010

Vancouver Canucks Intro Video 09-10

The New Vancouver Canucks Intro. GO CANUCKS GO!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My letter to CBC regarding Ron Maclean and other issues with them.

Here is my letter to CBC regarding Ron Macleans comments to Alex Burrows. Plus some other issues I have with CBC.

CBC used to be the ultimate channel for hockey, everyone across Canada could not wait to watch CBC hockey night in Canada. Now your station has gone from a pleasure to watch to and absolute disgrace. Beginning with you guys not wanting to pay for the Hockey Night in Canada theme song. To CBC revolving all their attention to Toronto. You are losing your audiance across Canada and especially on the West Coast of Canada. Almost every week for the late game with Western Canadian teams playing, fans of Vancouver, Edmonton, and Calgary are forced to sit and suffer listening to the monotones known as Mark Lee and Kevin Weekes. Now last Saturday the Vancouver Canucks game VS. Pittsburgh we thankfully got to listen to the voice of Jim Hughston again. This was probably just because toronto was not playing earliar in the day. But during this broadcast Ron Maclean and CBC thinks it is alright to sit there and call out a Vancouver Canuck player and a Canadian. I am sure you all know I am talking about Alex Burrows. During this segment Ron Maclean claims he knows what Alex Burrows is saying to everyone. Well Ron is an idiot, he has know clue what is being said, he knows that it is very possible that Auger told Burrows he was going to get him back. Ron Maclean bringing up all the videos he can find since Burrows has been in the NHL and using them against him to try to rip him and make him look bad in front of a national audiance is a discrace. So now the way I look at it both Ron Maclean and CBC are agreeing and suporting the idea that the NHL refs can make things personal when they feel like it. Now you dont see Ron Maclean getting fired for his comments towards the Vancouver players and the Canuck Organization, but you fired Al Strachan for writing a book named, "Why the leafs suck." This is just another good example of how CBC revolves around Toronto. I really hope that CBC starts smartening up their system and starts fixing there problems. Because this year has been an absolute joke so far and I have had to make quite a few complaints already. Lets hope that someone of acctual importance reads this and takes this into consideration. Becuase I am not the only one who has these feelings towards CBC. I hope Don Cherry tears Ron Maclean apart this upcoming saturday for opening his mouth and voicing his stupid opinions and I hope CBC does the same. Its fairly easy to pay someone to rip people and have them guess at what everyone is saying on the ice. Maybe you should consider replacing Maclean with someone who has a bit more knowledge about hockey. Then people would acctually listen and learn from what they have to say. Everytime Don Cherry talks we listen and learn stuff. But Ron never really has anything to say that we learn anything from.

Thank You for your time.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Canucks Vs Penguins - Game Highlights - 01.16.10 - HD

After a slow start the Vancouver Canucks really took it to the Penguins and won by a considerable margine. ^ goals for the Canucks with 6 different scorers. Henrik Sedin had a 3 point night and Daniel had a 2 point night. GO CANUCKS GO!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Vancouver Canucks VS. Penguins.

Sidney Crosby has been in town for the last couple of days for what seems to be a good game. With the new NHL scheduel it only happens once a year or once every couple of years that players such as Crosby and Ovechkin find themselfs in Vancouver. I think this will be a very spirited game considering it is Saturday night on Hockey Night in Canada and there is a big hype over crosby. The player that everyone loves to hate unless he plays for your team, Matt Cooke will be making a return to Vancouver but this time he wont be wearing our colours. Cooke had a great time here in Vancouver and the fans loved him over that period of time. But tonight you can bet he will be trying to get under everyone's skin and the Vancouver faithful will not enjoy that at all. Matt Cooke was traded for Matt Pettinger on the trade deadline a couple of years ago and so far Matt pettinger has not made much of a splash in the Canucks organization, finding himself playing for the Manitoba Moose most of the time. While Matt Cooke has moved on to win a Stanley Cup last season in Pittsburgh. Lets hope this game is as good as it is being predicted to be and lets hope Vancouver comes out with the 2 points in the end! GO CANUCKS GO!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Now dont get me wrong, I like AV alot and I have not had to much against him but I have a huge problem with him just standing there and chewing gum when the referees are calling a bunch of bizarre and rediculious penalties. In my opinion he should have been angry and yelling at the ref to let him know that he is handing the game to Nasville. But when he just stands there then the refs feel comfortible and confident with the calls he is making. This may not effect the refs desision regarding the first call he made, but it might make him think twice before he try's pulling a "payback call."

What a Situation.

So after last nights frustrating loss to the Nashville Predetors which saw 2 horrible penalty calls against Burrows. Burrows then said in his post game interveiw that one of the Referees "Stephane Auger" told Burrows before the game that he was going to get Burrows back for making him look bad in a game earlyar this year. In that game on Dec.8 Burrows got charger and he went down and looked injured so the referee gave a 5 minute major to the player to charged Burrows. Then Burrows came out and played later in the power play. So in the 3rd period with under 5 minutes left the ref gave Burrows a diving call which was a little questionable but coul have been a holding the stick penelty to Burrows But then a few minutes later Burrows was handed a Phantom Goaltender interferance penalty which never appeared to happen. So if the ref was truley looking to get back at Burrows he definatly did so and in the mean time he managed to screw over the whole Canucks team, management and then the Vancouver Canucks fans. If this turns out to be true that the ref threatened and then carried out his threat, then he will most likely find himself out of work. The NHL has launched an investigation on this issue and in the mean time they fined 2,500 dollars for publically critizizing a referee. Lets hope the fine gets taken back when the referee is found guilty. Roberto Luongo also said in his post game interview that he has, "never seen anything like that in his career" regarding the referees. This really makes you wonder that if this is the first time this has come out publically how many other times this has happened when the refs havent threatened players and if referees acctually hold grudges against players. Anyways we will see how this ends up working out. Lets hope the NHL deals with this properly so that issues wont come up anymore. In my opinion if this happened in say Toronto then the NHL would have dealt with this alot quicker and would have probably suspended the referee until the investigation is over instead of just fineing the player.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


So before the season began this year I remember telling people that we have not had a Hat-Trick in a few years. Well Alex Burrows has just got 2 Hat Tricks in 2 games. This is our 5th Hat Trick of the season. Going into saturday nights game VS. the flames the Sedin Sedin Burrows line has been getting called the best line in the NHL. They have been getting compared to "The Westcoast Express" line of Vancouver Canucks past. Burrows could also have been the first player in NHL history to get 3 Hat Tricks in 3 games. Unfortunatly this did not happen and the Vancouver Canucks came up with a single point in an Overtime Shootout loss.



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